Growing up, I hated football. I knew that on Saturdays from early September until late November my house would be complete chaos. Screaming, yelling, cussing, and lots and lots of clapping. I once even saw a chair being flung through the back door into the yard. My Dad would get up on Saturdays, put on a maroon sweatsuit and a trucker hat (they were NOT popular back then) with the Alabama "A" on it and proceed to sit there for 12 to 14 hours. Now, this was before the specialty sports channels became so popular, so sometimes he would also have the radio on. I hated it. I was completely ignored and most of the time just a nuisance unless I was bringing him another beer or bag of chips.
In 8th grade, my dad came to watch me "cheer". I can remember us doing a cheer that went.."1st and 10, do it again...move that ball". Well, we did this cheer after a 3rd down play....and our team was playing defense. I know.... Anyway, for the next two weeks I was given a very in depth and thorough explanation of how the game of football was played. Point being, I learned the game of football very young.
This erratic and completely ridiculous behavior also hit me from my Mothers side of the family. My Uncle Bo is as much if not maybe a tiny bit more annoying during a football game than my Dad was. He too is a die hard Alabama fan. Rumor has it, my Dad and Uncle Bo had many a "good" time watching Alabama play football, even after my mom and dad divorced.
All this being said, I have always LIKED football. I love the band, the smell of popcorn and that crisp fall weather. I went to most all of my college games at Ga. Southern and thanks to my 8th grade lesson, followed along with what was going on much better than any other girls I knew. A few years ago I caught myself flipping through the channels on Saturday and STOPPING on ESPN Game Day. It started out as just something to listen to as I did housework or laundry. Over the years it has progressed into...well...erratic and completely ridiculous behavior. I think I am about another two seasons away from body paint. It's not just college, it's high school too. I don't see any other mothers standing up in the stands screaming "Holding? Open you eyes Ref!!!". And I don't even have any kids that play. I also have that very loud impromptu clap that my Dad and uncle Bo have. You don't know when it's coming, it just happens. Could be one or even two claps, but not continuous. I have also inherited the "Stand up Sit Down" action. This behavior is also unforeseen and could happen at any moment. Example:
Something good happens, you stand up, then jump, giving two maybe three big claps and a "Yeah Baby! Whooooohhh".
Something almost good happens, you stand up and then sit down quickly, but shout something like "dumb ass, catch the damn ball".
Something bad happens, you stand up, then shout...well something bad and sit down firmly in a pouty kind of way.
Something almost bad happens, you stand up, clap several times, and sit down.
Lucky for me I have very close family in Tuscaloosa. Games are easily accessible and I always have somewhere to stay. It's great!
We (Bama Folks) have a very big game this weekend. In preparation of this event, I have purchased a new shirt, little "A" face tattoos and a new car flag. Baby daddy and I will be going to Atlanta to watch the game since we can't afford the $1000 to actually go to the game. I wonder... now since my inner annoying football fan behavior has reared it's head, what would my dad and I be like at an Alabama Game? I guess God knows what he's doing. He decided to spare all of you and wait until Dad was watching from above to bring out my inner fan!
"Sure I'd like to beat Notre Dame, don't get me wrong. But nothing matters more than beating that cow college on the other side of the state." Paul Bear Bryant
To a group of boosters before an Auburn game. This comment was widely reported, and Auburn upset the Tide a few days later.