After recently attending a concert in Louisville, KY, Roger and I stopped at a Cracker Barrel for lunch on the way home. I think we might have actually been inside the Nashville city limits, but we weren't "downtown" so to speak. The emotional inauguration of our 44th president had taken place the previous day which, like it or not, was an historical event. Caleb Followill of Kings of Leon couldn't even pass up the opportunity to express his support and emotion from the events of that day. Which if you know Caleb, he rarely says anything on stage, other than "God Bless you all, we are Kings of Leon". While waiting on our food, there were a couple of "rednecks" (sorry for the stereotype) sitting across the room from us making Obama jokes with the waitress. They weren't just jokes, they were very racially motivated and offensive. Does this moron actually realize that the man he's so blatantly disrespecting is now HIS Commander and Chief. Does the waitress who's laughing at these jokes understand that this man is her PRESIDENT! As I am quickly reaching my breaking point, on the verge of walking over and asking them to please shut-up, Roger actually said something profound. "Leave it alone, they don't know any better". Wow! That is probably true. What is worse is that they probably have procreated at this point and made more "future" idiots that will turn into non productive citizens draining our society of it's air quality. I know...I know...I'm Anglican. I'm suppose to accept the unaccepted. Embrace any living thing as sacred and help fellow mankind. But where does it end.
This is where the I.Q test comes in. Before you are given the okay to breed, you should be administered some form of I.Q test. It could even be multiple choice as to not make it too "tricky". It would contain questions like...
When going out into public you should be wearing
A. Pants
B. Shoes
C. A shirt
D. All of the above
When (not if) you go to work your children under the age of 13 should be left:
A. with a responsible adult
B. with the older children in the house
C. in the car
D. alone
A. 20
B. 5
C. 14
D. None of the above
Please circle a profound statement:
A. "Don't try and get above your raisin's"
B. "I ain't livin' no where I can't shoot my gun!"
C. "Going to college is a waste of time, I can go out a get a job makin' $12 and hour right now"
D. "Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance"

I could go on and on with this, but I think you get the gist of what I'm saying. Unfortunately this would be very unconstitutional, disregarding everything that our founding fathers dreamed of. I cringe at the thought of what George, Thomas, John, James, Alexander, John or Ben would say if they overheard this conversation in the Cracker Barrel. All we can do as Americans is stand behind our President and attempt to reach the offspring of the "low IQers" in hopes of inspiring them to go beyond their "raisins'"
1 comment:
From your lips to God's ears - Glad you didn't start a ruckus at Cracker Barrel. Rough crowd.
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